About me . .
I have over 40 years of experience as a midwife and also several years as a registered nurse before this. My midwifery is in all areas. I’ve worked in tertiary setting with women and babies who require significantly closely monitored cares to normal cases. I’ve also worked as home birth midwife where we strive to have Mum as close to optimum health as possible, during pregnancy, for the birth and for postnatal period afterwards.
After many years of being on call and working long exhausting hours I hit a point of exhaustion. I was receiving acupuncture treatments, which helped. The Arvigo ® therapy added significantly to this. Cleared lots of minor ailment like constipation. I was sleeping much better. Better still – it gave me something that I could do daily in many different forms – to be responsible an active in my own healing.
My nurse’s back was instantly cleared – and that allowed me to work all day in the garden and not regret it. The regular steaming has made a difference in all aspects of my being.
About me – an Arvigo worker . . . now a Gentling Way practitioner

I registered as an Arvigo ® Practitioner in 2015. I’ve found the multiple benefits from using the selfcare techniques have helped many different people to improve their health. I have training to treat pregnant women or those who wish to be. Rosita Arvigo (my teacher) and me at the New Hampshire, USA centre for learning in October , 2015.
Rosita has been instrumental in teaching all who wish to learn the advanced techniques and is an inspiration to listen to as she has decades of on-the-ground experience withe the traditional midwives, who all learned through apprenticeship and who knew the body and the rainforest – where all remedies for all conditions – are to be found.
My other body and Qi work teacher – Heather has added in these with her decades of lived and practical professional experience into Heather’s Gentling Way and I can also offer these. Heather has been involving herself in my upskilling for the past nearly 20 years – ongoing
About you . . .
Any problems – back (especially stemming from a fall), digestive – including IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) Crohn’s Disease, any and all menstrual disorders, incontinence, menopausal and sexual challenges, and all who are troubled by their body on general.
I love the outdoors. Presently I am working in Tasmania as a midwife, I like to go tramping/hiking. Also enjoy gardening, fishing and lots of craft projects. For appointments for your own health benefits in your own home – maybe reach out for a chat?