Do you want to help our own womb/belly/back/gut feel comfy in your life?
Ultra short notice. .
I find myself not in my new home in Far North Queensland, but in the S.E. Qld region
We look to Qi Moving and hands-on home help . .
Intertwined with what I call ‘Practical Pricklies’ – heartful hands on sharp implement using as needed . .through the energy paradigm.
All part of the Gentling Way (CLICK)
Ever wanted to look to womb/ gyne/visceral corrections – and marry it with the Qi awareness?
Initially this is an immersion into US – as we are drawn to work as we do due to . .? We need to undo our own body residues.
And we have our own stories woven into our own bodies with their own distractions coming up at this time . .
We will cover the pelvic and sacral distress that are the base of the majority of what is played with/not able to be fixed easily – without reference to womb positioning – my specialty . .- holistic multi modality/lineage care.
Qi and Body Aligning . .
The basis being my 45 years of women’s and maternal personal practical research into why what is offered does not get us easy maternal bliss. .and what to do about it . . Especially after incidents/surgeries/unwanted medical and other attentions leave us somewhat in disarray . .
The focus is womb positioning and what holds her hostage and what is STUCK until we gently undo the life that led us to here . .
From there all I do is explosively easy – as it is where no men or their work ventures – feelings, bleeding, living in a woman’s body/life ..
We are the next step – as a merger – of some of the Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai workshop (the interface heart/wombspace and the gut interactions.. I have another workshop opportunity opening –Practical Pricklies. What is this? I have designed, written and taught all phases of acupuncture education since 1981.
My now home help focus is what we ALL need to know for First Aid, ongoing assistance as we live and heal through life .
This will be touched upon/demonstrated as we begin to undo the wounds of being a woman.
Including surgical interventions – is the theme of this small gathering . . (Gentle Selfing came first).
Gentle Selfing is a three part process – online (What Causes Health/Soothing (belly massage for self and Peristeaming – for all the family.
It is the essence of all the following work – we need STRONG foundations – and Gentle Selfing gets us focused on US being CLEAR, CALM and SAFE. The small interactive (now on Zoom as we go through the changes being inflicted upon the tribal natures we all hold within) class is the second aspect. 1 – Online self paced courses then 2 – the weekend – and 3 – the after care support – we get to know ourselves deeply, by asking different questions of ourselves as women and working /playing with what comes up .

By now – with 2022 throwing up all sorts – I can start wherever the group assembled takes us. .
Act now if you want to be part of this tiny group – all intend to take this work into our lives – to assist others. After ourselves. . .
We all hear tales – ‘hormones’ and periods and lives awry . .shall we fix it? We can – and need to for our daughters/in law/grand daughters. . . .
Womb centred care
If you or anyone you know has ever wanted to look to womb/ gyne/visceral corrections – and marry it with the Qi awareness – this is magic.