Welcome . .
This is a classic example of women need women’s ways of knowing – this is NOT a retail illness model for business.
AND those with ‘middle men’ ideology – need to BUTT OUT.
When womb is misaligned – you will have all sorts of dramas – this being just one.

Warning – (Crone alert) Heather’s Gentling Way (CLICK) – is the result of 45 years of my being at the ‘coalface’ of mostly women who have not only ‘fallen through the cracks’, but who have been put down and walked all over – by experts. Shunned from their own wisdoms – innate understandings of the flows of life – to take on board what MAY look shiny – and new – and clever – but has not stood the test of time – or even a path out of trauma – Western medicine and its ‘science’.
Retail illness businesses have no place in the life and times of the average human – let alone the life cycle and thus changes we as women undergo. Not disease/medical crises awaiting – we need respect and to honour what being woman means.
We will look here at what is real . . Not dogma – but biology
My publications, online courses showcase ways of YOU taking on YOUR life path YOURSELF may be at odds with all that you have encountered previously. And it is needed that we look to what is happening and why it is not healing and what you can do to prevent further distress. From a woman who has stood with and for women for decades in this culture and who ha plucked what works and woven it all into a way that anyone can start into life – we all deserve to NOT have to be sidelined as the men’s ways do not fit woman’s bodies, or lives.
Thus – THIS IS NOT MEDICAL – but life focused
Let us unpack what has become fairly tangled – being woman in today’ s world. Where are the elders’? Why do we ask help from those who have never bleed, bred or breastfed? Why is their model for ‘rape and pillage’ – (much like men’s business on the mother we all stand on – Gaia) – seen as being the one to assist healing?
These are all good questions. . AND – if they say ‘we don’t know’ – why do we even listen?
Bartholin’s gland cysts and abscesses
What is all the fuss about? As with all matters – if it is being respected and left to its own inner wisdom, a body minds itself.
When we choose to NOT pay attention to wee warnings they grow – and eventually we may have THIS to contend with.
This will stop you in your tracks. Circulation – can the flows flow? Womb positioning is essential for this. Nutrients – can they get in and be bio available? (Hence we look not to taking supplements – but taking out what is not supposed to do be there and of course – all those non life affirming jabs with their other than life agendas will affect all of us differently. Even the fact of adjuvants (did you know??) put in to stuff up the normal functioning of the protective systems – and then there is all the rest . . I have written/taught this elsewhere – but rest assured – anyone who has signed into becoming genetically modified has NO idea what is now in store for them – us as helpers either – elephant ignored by most. . Note to the jabbed – (CLICK)

Bartholin’s (some man ‘discovered’ it) . . . gland (CLICK).
Do you know where it is and what it does and what happens when it gets distressed?
As usual (the ‘we don’t know brigade’ – What causes a Bartholin’s cyst?
THEY say . . “Bartholin’s cysts are most common in women of reproductive age and in women who have previously had a Bartholin’s cyst or abscess. They can be associated with sexual activity, direct trauma (injury) to the area, or surgery”. This is no answer.
DID YOU KNOW? Marsupuliarization (CLICK)
Questions that need answering
Why YOU – not your neighbour/sister
Why THERE? – left not right side
Why now? – not last week/year/never?
What to do when Western medicine has done all it can – and wants to be ever more invasive?
Go back to nature.
Trust your body to heal itself. Welcome to your lady bits (CLICK)
This was /is women’s ways of knowing me talking with an acupuncturist who wondered if I could help . . .
WHAT NEXT ? Reach out . . .
This is an entire body of wise women’s worldwide oral traditions woven into what works NOW
Questions for you
Consider why did YOU want to ‘help’ her?
Is she even ready? I would suggest – after reading what she has done so far – NO
It is NOT a matter of what points to do next – and this is why I do intensive bundles of care – as after this past 45 years – I know – that I can not help anyone – I can give them crossroads – which way they choose is their journey. – BUT they have to help themselves. AND we will find what we do not want to – in the way – and WE are all here to learn. .
We seem to only do so when pushed, At 25 – maybe she is not there yet? So I ask all my students – what is in it for you?
Turn attention to YOUR body and YOUR life – we start with Selfing.

So busy seeing what you an do for her – and she is so tied up into being rescued . ..

I can/will do a online course that all could take – but we are not there yet .
As usual – if we had flows flowing this would not be an issues – hence I have this on this site.
In the meantime – I focus on immediate – castor oil, steaming and lymph moving – see my Move Your Qi programme
Plus Living Ligaments – the entire package leads into Practical Prickles – Home Help.
We need to NOT entrust our bodies to others.
Why there? – Liver Qi Stuck???? (CLICK)
Not mentioned in most literature, information vs practical – how does she bleed? Onto what? This is monthly.
Silicone cup?/tampons? Implants so she does not?/on a form of contraception as there is more going on than ‘just’ the cyst??
1 – Iodine (CLICK) – topical Lugol’s solution Why? Breaks down cysts (CLICK). .
2 – Safe intimate care (CLICK)
3 – Castor oil (CLICK)
4- Steaming (CLICK)
OR – as the Selfing course online 3 courses package –
5 – What Lies Beneath? (CLICK)
6 – Red Clover tea – I do not have a page on this – essentially need organic red clover tea that is to be simmered – not steeped – on the stove 5 minutes slow boil. A good tsp per cup – x 2 daily. Will break through the cell walls – that is NOT supposed to be there.
7 – Chinese herbs – need to clear out Damp CLICK) and Heat (CLICK)
8 – Welcome to Your Lady Bits (CLICK)
9 – Selfing intensive workshop – with selfing online course
10 – Pricklies (CLICK) Do join in as this is explanations as to WHY??
Home Help we all find we need – and here you become your own solution . .
If you have been surgically adapted?
All of the above still – be super diligent. Whilst not bleeding – nightly steaming and castor oil . . (drawing and undoing adhesions). Also placed up rectally and also on the surface vaginally – on your finger, or make a small poultice
Local topicals .. combination – ti tree oil, witch hazel calamine lotion . .
NOTE – she does not know what causes problems – this is management.
Useful user’s thoughts.
BUT still – why it is there?
Left not right side? Now not in the past or future (YET) and why you at all?
All of these need answering,
I have put this in – not to ‘follow’ her – but to see how some women have tried to help others.
What to do? All of the steps 1 -10 above

Flows – is womb where she should be – I would imagine the tilt is to the front and dependent on which side is afflicted – will be there. Though – ANY displacement will upset the workings of the entire body – as Don Elijio Panti said – “when a woman’s womb is not in balance – neither is she”.
AND – do not think that you can force her back. This is the beginning of the problems – we all need the gentling way . .
The Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To It
Energy Follows Thought
Structure Determines Function
Body Heals Itself – when we undo what is there in the way of this . .
If this speaks to you – and you wish to know more. .
You can start the module that Heather’s Gentling Way begins with – SELFING – we need to unpack what we carry – and may well have worked around – BUT – we are the first patient . . and the most important person in our lives.

When we can – we are live in-person – in these times, I am training those who have been with me as we travel this path – to be your beginning teachers/mentor s they have all their own life paths and come together as the Living Ligaments Tribe.
You may also feel called? Do reach out . .
It s mw 2022 – and I did this up a year ago it does for the moment . . to give you a guide – we are all in a state of flux. . change, dynamic Qi flowing – not blocking it is the key . .
As we have the SIX (was 5) – now SIX ‘T’s – what causes problems – besides the circulation/flows not flowing and the lack of appropriate nutrients?
Temptation – to listen to externals – not your own self/gut/life path
Tension – when distressed – all tightens up
Temperature – we are designed to NOT get cold in – as it messes with circulation – cold is stored in the body to waste the Yang Qi. From here – we can play with the side effects of cold stopping flows – and ‘be clever’ forgetting that ice is for dead people.
Torpor – either the stage before hibernation – and death usually – and also the FREEZE state all who buy stories that the ones who ‘buy’ the disempowering get themselves into. Too scared to think or act for themselves. . .
Trauma – STUCK – needs undoing . .
Toxins . . the body burden as we live ever more unnaturally .. .
All too much?
So is being in pain . .
Hope and healing all start with your hands and your intention.
- 1.10 – medical ‘answers’
- 1.40 – Heather’s Gentling Way (CLICK)
- 2.30 – What using for menstrual collection? NO t held in position – and then we could speak of endo
- 3.30 – Normalise and honour our bleeding – Safe intimate care demos (CLICK)
- 4.30 – What is being eaten – to be able to nourish the blood energy to bleed and live well as a woman?
- 5.3o – The impact of jabbing and the adjuvants. .
- 6.00 – Lugol’s solution – paint it on but generally on her ovary area – alternate sides EVERY DAY.
- 7.00– Chinese herbs – clear insubstantial phlegm
- 7.30 – Western herbal – silica and likely her drinking one cup of red clover tea x 2 cups daily . .
- 9 – have to listen . . . (R.I.C.E. – CLICK)
- 10 – Answering these three questions – why me, why now and why that place??
- 10.30- Self medication – sugar and cold . ..what does this mean in her life?
- 11.30 – Betrayal also ((Stuck Liver Qi)
- 14 – What set this up? (CLICK)
- 14.45 – STEAMING – (CLICK)
- 15.30 – my own outer lips – fixed by the inner lip therapy – STEAMING
- 17 – Dukan – Sudan – GUARD YOUR HEART . . . so of course they did to soften her up prior to marriage – perineal steaming – softens and soothes. .
- 19 – different culture s around the world all had women’s business – and the men – really need to leave this up to those of us who have been working with women – for decades. . NOT for money – but heartfully so – we can actually assist – as ‘she ‘ is sometimes US.
- 21 – Suramon – what they do in their resources at hand.
- 21.30 – and what else. . .
- 22 – Castor oil (CLICK) and use – throw out the material each time – how to use . .also up rectum and finger it on all through the day – so castor oil is always there to help heal.
- 23 – this person was made differently – Jing distressed. . .
So use castor roil packs on all of abdomen – needs to take charge and look after herself as a project. Do it once and it is done. . .PROPERLY - 25.30 – Adhesions – is also on the castor oil page. .
- 26 – Problems with menstrual pads. . (CLICK) NO distributor in Canada or USA (State by state)
- 28 – Maya healing (CLICK) started me off . . . womb positioning and why this is so important. Why I did this (CLICK)
- 29.20 – ‘She knows a lot’ . . . needs to actually pay attention – to what she does not know. ..
- 32 – MUST do the womb positioning and what causes the womb to remain a hostage?
- 33.30 – She needs to know what to do to help herself – is NOT about which point does what . .
- 35 – Revision – and possibility of using Chinese herbs – and online consult ..
- Offer to get started – all need to do the selfing – the belly soothing touching and the steaming and the short course What Causes Health?
- 37.30 – Other Arvigo Self Care teachers . . Lisa Levine and Lisa Kelly (CLICK) – contact either as well