Your own hands can heal your body your self
Told that you are apparently ‘hopeless’ ?
Let us put you back together again . .
Together using simple touch we may discover why yours may not have.
Being woman is easy
Your body is designed to work perfectly
To heal itself
Is something blocking this?
Structure determines function
Abdominal massage is gentle non-invasive, external touch that is effective for anyone’s belly/life.

Belly work forms part of a combination of traditional safe techniques that relieve any inner congestion. Improving the flow of circulatory, lymphatic, fluid and nervous systems and the Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) allows your body to return to perfect.
Wondrous results from letting your body heal.
With your own tender daily self cultivation practices – Yang Sheng – Nourishing Life.
Where did some of this work come from?
Oral traditions steeped in Nature
Sastun My Apprenticeship With A Maya Healer – PREVIEW .
(Dr Rosita Arvigo’s work with Don Elijio Panti is showcased in this film)
Dr Arvigo’s many books can be sourced as her work can also from her official site